Faiz Elfahad Kurniawan

Hello, I'm Faiz. I'm a full-stack developer I enjoy building sites & apps. My focus is React (Next.js) and Laravel.

About me

After graduating from Telkom Malang Vocational High School, I decided to pursue my passion for programming. I enrolled in a coding bootcamp and learned full-stack web development. My favorite part of programming is the problem-solving aspect. I love the feeling of finally figuring out a solution to a problem. My core stack is React, Next.js, Node.js, Laravel, and MongoDB. I am also familiar with TypeScript and Prisma. I am always looking to learn new technologies. I am currently looking for a full-time position as a software developer.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing video games, watching youtubes, and riding my motorcycle somewhere. I also enjoy learning new things. I am currently learning about history and philosophy.

My projects

My skills

My experience

My Certificates

Webinar IoT Creation Smart Utilities Indobot

This is a certificate of Webinar IoT Creation Smart Utilities from Indobot.

    July 25, 2022

Webinar IoT Developments in Indonesia Vs Global Indobot

This is a certificate of Webinar IoT Developments in Indonesia Vs Global from Indobot.

    August 01, 2022

Webinar IoT Creation Smart Agriculture and Farming Indobot

This is a certificate of Webinar IoT Creation Smart Agriculture and Farming from Indobot.

    August 08, 2022

English Paper Based Test (PBT)

This is a certificate of English Paper Based Test from English First.

    January 25, 2023

Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia (UKBI)

This is a certificate of competence in Indonesian Language from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

    February 04, 2023

DigiUp Telkom

This is a certificate of the competence Junior Web Developer from Digiup Telkom using CodeIgniter Framework.

    February 15, 2023

Desktop Office Training (DOT)

Certificate of the competency test In Competency Of Laravel (Blade) with achievement level Very Competent

    April 11, 2023

Project Management (Basic) Dicoding

This Certificate is from Dicoding after successfully cleared assessment for the skill of Project Management (Basic)

    August 25, 2023

Problem Solving (Basic) HackerRank

This Certificate is from HackerRank after successfully cleared assessment for the skill of Problem Solving (Basic)

    September 1, 2023

Python (Basic) HackerRank

This Certificate is from HackerRank after successfully cleared assessment for the skill of Pyhton (Basic)

    September 2, 2023

Programming Software (Basic) Dicoding

This Certificate is from Dicoding after successfully cleared assessment for the skill of Programming Software (Basic)

    September 7, 2023

Structured Query Language (Basic) Dicoding

This Certificate is from Dicoding after successfully cleared assessment for the skill of Structured Query Language (Basic)

    September 7, 2023

Contact me

Please contact me directly at faizelfahad2@gmail.com or through this form.